Friday 28 February 2014

Friday, 28 Feb 2014…




My life sucks, I feel so down… the more I tell myself, it’s a bad day, not a bad life, the more I wane break down, sit in a corner and cry!

OMG… where do I begin?

So I have # best friends – they all play different roles in my life

1 – the ultimate support, always there for me besties – She is the one that stays far away in Cape town, we have been friends since high school, we chat every day, and when I get a chance to see her I never feel like she was gone!

2 – my go to friend – she stays in jhb just in the south, she is my everything… the one I get on to the phone to first when I need to rant or rave, when im in trouble I can always call on her no matter what the time or the situation

3 – I’m not sure where this friend places or if she is a friend, let alone a best friend. We do spend a lot of time in each other’s company, and we have a Thursday withstanding dinner date, but sometimes I feel like, take our few drinks away, and I don’t feel like we would be that great friends.


Saying that, from yesterday afternoon, I have felt terrible… I don’t know if its flu or what, but I feel like death, post nasal drip, blocked ears, constant headache… so I never drank at my dinner date last night – made me feel like things were awkward, we left early


I just feel like, I’m lost?!


I know I have a goal that I’m starting on Monday, but further, I don’t know what I want in life or where I am going, this living month to month, no savings, no surety id really getting to me today.


I feel lost – I want my mommy *sadface*

Anyway, I’ll go into the week end nursing my cold, relaxing, doing basic food prep and just trying to go with it ;-)


My husband will be fixing his bike…


Life is boring today!


Chat soon


Friday 7 February 2014

A busy Friday

As a new day dawns,

Today, I feel torn between two places, wanting this weigh loss thing to work for me, at the same time, I know I have to make sacrifices and changes to my everyday lifestyle.

I thought this would be easy, but it’s not, what makes it even harder is the fact that I’m a people pleaser, how can I possibly tell one person that I cannot spend so much time with them because my life needs to change, that will never go down well with anybody.

So I have a big birthday party for myself coming up, hosting at a friend’s place, so it’s been there every night to get things ready... my bday is in two weeks, the 22nd February 2014.

I am now setting a start date for 3 March, I have ordered a meal replacement Herbalife shake, I have also been researching the Slender Geek 'way of life' this is a 8 week challenge, and I’m ready to do this challenge...

I am ready to give it my all... My everything, I don’t expect all my 30kgs to be shed away in this 8 weeks, but I do think this will make a good base for me to start a new life style for myself and my family.

I had the privilege of watching my friends daughters grade 8 school concert, I sat there looking at the kids, thinking how horrible those fat girls must feel, this has really made me realise that I need to change my whole families lifestyle as I would not like my kids to be there one day.

Today is a really hectic day at work.

Chat next week


Wednesday 5 February 2014

Today I start Blogging

Today I start Blogging...

I have pondered on the idea of blogging for a very long time, with many people telling me, I’m just a normal mommy, there is 10 million other mommies blogging, why waste your time?

So today I decided I want to waste my time... Day by day I will be updating my Blog, while I shuffle through the daily like of being a full time working mom/ moms taxi/ getting my one daughter through grade 1/ personal chef/ house cleaner...

On average a day I sit in 2 hours of traffic... This always brings me into deep thought.

So now I will blog these thoughts... If they good enough ;-)

So, I am a happily married mother of 2, today I have started with a new challenge. After opening a gym contract, and doing regular exercises as my 2014 new year’s resolution, today I’ve started to do things even harder to see results.

I am looking at loosing over 30kg this year...

Tonight, i will take my before photos and post them with my sizes, and try day by day to add my food I’ve eaten and what classes I am doing at gym.


I will also post regular updates of what is going on in my crazy life…

I hope my Blog will bring you many happy hours of procrastination